Sunday 22 March 2020

Global sabbath

Image result for earth closed for repair

What will you do? (22.3.2020)

What will you do with this time,
given you from these lives cut short from breath?
Will you continue to rush about
seeking to build a cardboard fortress
to help you feel invulnerable?
Or will you let yourself slow
accept the quiet pace of a breath at peace?
Will you try and build impeccable plans,
fulfill dreams not your own,
sown in you by lights and sounds and CGI?
Or will you play music that heals you?
Will you softly plant seeds that will feed you?
Will you slowly walk under old trees
and ask for their blessing?
Will you write letters to the elderly and alone
by hand?
Yes, by hand.
Will you allow this virus to do it's job in you
Prune you of what is dead or diseased or dying?
Or will you you fight it like Canute fighting the tide?
Perhaps it would be okay to let all the feelings in, be what they are.
Whilst everything is closed, open.
Open up.